Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Final video

Process of creating the video:
Originally, I wanted to use an animated a ball- on- a- chain object that was created in TrueSpace, but I couldn't import this animation into the Poser. I tried to find an online support on this matter, but was unsuccessful. Instead of this animated object I made something that looked like a bowling ball, which was still suitable for the animation story.

I wanted to create the whole animation in one movie file, but I found it very difficult to make Poser do exactly what I wanted. For example, one of the problems that occured was when I tried to make my character rotate the ball, the ball would make an unpredictable movements or If I wanted to create a very nice camera movement, like in a curve, it would rotate around and about everywhere else except for where I wanted it to go.
As the result, I decided to create 7 differenet movie files and then edited them in Adobe Premier to into a full movie.
I found that the software that was used during the development of this animation wasn't exactly the good choice, as it was 1) very slow, 2) has a very small library of objects and 3) lacks the user controls.

Unfortunately, I couldn't upload the movie due to the very slow and unstable internet connecion at home and I don't have Adoble Premier either to resize the video.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Step 3:
Create the main character.
I modified the character that was in the library of Poser and edited it to better suit the story/theme of my animation.

Monday, May 4, 2009


Step 2:
Insert audience.
Top image shows all audience from the distance and 2 bottom image show some of the them closer.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Step 1: Designing the stadium.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


This is the sketch that I created for my animation.
Please click the image for a larger and clearer image.

Monday, March 2, 2009


The final project is a linear, digital video presentation that will combine graphics,
animation, text, and audio.
The project's purpose is to tell a story in an engaging way. The presentation should make
the concept or process clear to a general audience. Produce a 30 second animation that
demonstrates key animation skills. Trusespace/Poser should be used, as well as
traditional graphics tools Adobe Premiere and Photoshop. Everything must be done from
scratch -modeling, rigging, animating, Try and be as creative and artistic as you can.
Post-production :Adobe Premiere should be used to sequence the frames and add sound.
The main audio track is optional. Sound effects may be included.